Tai-mahoranui Level 7
He rangatahi whānui te titiro ki tōna ao, kua pakeke ngā whakaaro
Tai-marohanui: Ko te ngaru tuaono. Kua momona ngā kai o te moana. Kua kitea ngā ara tika o te hiahia me te tumanako.
A student who embraces a wider perspective
Tai-mahoranui (Sea span): The sixth wave gives us sustenance where the foods of the sea are in good condition. The correct pathways are clear to see with hope and desire.
NCEA TRM 2 Classified Grammar Level 7
Māori & English Medium
NZC - Te Aho Arataki Marau - 7
(English Medium) NCEA - Te Reo Māori - 2
(Māori Medium) Te Reo Rangatira - 2