Tūtapateatea Year 7-8

He rangatahi ka mārama te kite i te ara kei mua i a ia.

He mā te rere o te waiparu, i te wai pupuke ki te ātea o Papatuanuku. Ko tēnei te kōwhangaroa o Papatuanuku. Nā te parapara parahua i kore ai ngā pōhatu me ngā toka  tū pakari   o te maunga e tukituki. Kua rū te whenua, kua pakaru mai te honohono o ngā toka, kua haehaetia te whenua, kua horo ngā tahataha o ngā maunga, te whenua me ngaā tahataha kōawa.

A student takes into consideration their learnings to inform their actions.

The flow of the discoloured waters is clear, from the mountainous waters to the domain of Papatuanuku. This is the cradle of Papatuanuku. Through the loose sediment, stones and rocks that stand strong within the mountains, will not collide. The earth has erupted, the formation of rocks have broken into pieces, the land has been lacerated, the mountains and the valleys have crumbled.