Tai-poutini Level 8

He rangatahi taketake ngā whakaaro e tūturu ai ki tōna pono

Tai-poutini: Ko te ngaru tuawhitu. Ko ngā wai hōhonu o ngā tohorā. Kua raukura, kua ruku hōhonu ki ngā kaupapa o te ngākaunui.

A student who is fundamentally grounded in the depth of his/her learning

Tai-poutini (Sea guardians): The seventh wave brings the deep waters of the whales. They have advanced and have explored the topics deeply with commitment.

NCEA TRM 3 Classified Grammar
Māori & English Medium

Level 8 NZC - Te Aho Arataki Marau - 8 W

(English Medium) NCEA - Te Reo Māori - 3
(Māori Medium) Te Reo Rangatira - 3